Service Details
We develop bespoke models and systems with extensibility in mind. Our goal is to provide offerings that are broker agnostic allowing traders to make the best decision when choosing where to trade without losing access to core decision making technology.
This is why a lot of our research is integrated into Sierra Charts. We’ve used the platform for over a decade and it can be used with several brokers. In the extreme case, Sierra Charts can function as a standalone research environment that can be used to inform your trading decisions while using alternative order management systems.
We are always reviewing other platforms that allow our research to be used agnostically. If there is a platform you would like to see our models integrated into, please Contact Us.
All subscriptions require users to have valid accounts with our preferred platform providers.
At sign up, users provide their platform provider username and will receive access to the requisite model or system. Upon cancellation, whether voluntary or as a means of non-payment, users will forfeit access to the model or system.
Please review our terms to confirm your understanding.
Model Factory
The Model Factory is a constantly evolving repository of models, indicators, systems, and other technologies built in-house. These technologies are designed to improve the trader decision making process.
Subscribers will receive ongoing updates to these systems.
We are constantly researching new ideas and approaches that could solve some apparent or latent problem in the trading decision making workflow.
As such we will continue to add new technologies to the factory.
Custom Development
This is our tailored solution.
Maybe you’re a discretionary trader that would like to automate part or all of your process. You might possibly have a trading edge that you'd like to further build upon by designing your own custom mathematical model. You could have observed an event in the markets on your charts, but you need a professional feasibility assessment to determine if that event actual has a scientific edge.
The use cases are innumerable. If you have an idea, we can begin a discussion to validate it and build your custom solution.