Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI/ Machine Learning?

AI/Machine Learning is a field at the intersection of Math and Computer Science.

The field is very broad but the gist is to teach machines to interact with the world the way that humans do. At the infancy of the field this was done explicitly, but over time we learned how to develop machines that can learn to recognize patterns in data on its own. This is Machine Learning.

Machine Learning seeks to approximate the process that was responsible for creating the data. You can think of it as reverse engineering in a sense. We have data. We want to understand how it was created. So we can make assumptions about the process that created it that allow the machine to learn and produce more data. If the data our machine produces is a good match to the data we started with, then we know a little more about how that data was created and our machine learned as well.

Do you offer trading signals or algorithms?

No. Let us explain. If we offered to sell you a signal or algorithm that would allow you to make a $1,000,000 for a small fee of $1000. Should you take this deal?

We don’t think so.

Spoiler Alert: If you took this deal, the signal is to find 1000 people just like you and sell them the same signal.

Professionals that develop real signals and algorithms don’t sell them. Have you ever heard of any quantitative hedge fund offering to sell the signals or algorithms that sustain their profitability? We haven’t.

If a signal or algorithm provider can sell you a signal or algorithm that annotates when you should buy and when you should sell or claims to trade for you, they could put their own capital in it and make significantly more than the fee they’re charging you.

Most signal/algorithm providers are not quants, researchers, or engineers. They are marketers. They are good at automation and drawing images on charts in hindsight and coming up with buzz words to drive engagement. AI, algorithmic, liquidity, bot, etc. are the latest. Humans are visual and have a proclivity for pattern recognition, making them susceptible to cognitive biases that pay marketers.

We offer models not signals or trading algorithms. Trading is all about decision making. We conduct proprietary research that mimics the process of research and development in investment banks and hedge funds, to produce models as a decision support tool.

See our Disclaimer.

What is a Quant?

The term Quant is an abbreviation of Quantitative.

This term refers to someone who builds mathematical models. Quants typically have formal backgrounds in Math, Computer Science, Physics, Economics, or some other engineering field.

The connotation of the term has evolved since its inception. Originally, the term was used as a pejorative for non-traditional members of Wallstreet. Over time the term has taken a more positive view as markets have become more quantitative.

There is a lot of misinformation online. In short, quant means math. It doesn’t mean Python or any programming language. It doesn’t mean automation or algorithms. It is impossible to be a quant in the absence of mathematical models.

What are Models?

Models are function approximations.

To clarify, we’ll first explain what models are not. Models are not automation coded in Python or some other programming language. They are not indicators that draw zones and levels on charts. They are not trading bots of which is not AI or Machine Learning, but simply automation.

A model is math. Things in the real world can be “modeled” or represented mathematically. These math equations explain how and why certain events happen. These are models as they approximate real world functions, albeit, mathematically.

What platforms do you support?

Our default platform is Sierra Charts.

Sierra Charts is broker agnostic and thus can be connected to most brokerage accounts.

In the event that your broker doesn’t support Sierra Charts, the platform can function as a standalone research environment as Sierra has their own proprietary data feed that will provide you with real time market data and allow you to use our models in real time.

We are always looking for additional channels to make our models more widely available. If there is a specific platform that you would like to see our models integrated into, contact us and we’ll begin a feasibility assessment.

What trading products do you support?

Sierra Charts supports trading across several instruments including equities, futures, crypto, etc.

We currently offer models in various futures markets and will expand into other instruments in the future.

Can you build me a custom model, indicator, or trading strategy?

We do provide custom development. The process begins by completing confidentiality contracts to protect your intellectual property. From there we’ll conduct a feasibility assessment. If your project is within our scope, we’ll structure an agreement outlining the development process going forward.

When do model subscriptions renew?

Models renew on a monthly basis.

Are updates included in my subscription?

Yes. Systems, algorithms, models, etc. need to be maintained. As long as you are subscribed updates will be pushed automatically to your platform.